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Our vision here with Team South Carolina is to help groom and develop young girls and boys into productive Women and Men. Our goal is to create an avenue through mentorship and basketball, opening up a number of diverse opportunities to ensure that the focus of the athlete is to become successful, and able to flourish in any environment.



Our mission is that Team South Carolina will continue to be a model for all student athletic programs in our community. We will strive to provide an opportunity for all student-athletes to compete for academic and athletic scholarships. We are here to cultivate and strength the minds, and bodies of the youth involved in our program, to become model members of society as they transition into adulthood. Athletic accomplishments, community involvement, character development, and reinforcing the importance of academic achievement shall be the primary focus.

For Nearly 20 years, our organization has provided a platform to the youth in grades 3rd-11th to display their athletic skills utilizing the sport of basketball. We have consistently had 20 or more teams per season for the last 9 years. We are excited about the new additions to the program and the potential growth within the organizational structure that will evolve out of these relationships. We are looking forward to great things to come for our organization as we surge forward as Team South Carolina.

— Team SC Staff

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